Explore Tuition and Fees for Dance Classes & Costumes
Mini Dancer Program Class Tuition
Individual & Combo 1st Class Fees
- Tiny Tots (45 minutes) $60.00
- Creative Movement (45 Minutes) $60.00
- Kinderdance Combo (60 Minutes) $65.00
- Primary Combo (90 Minutes) $85.00
- Mini Acro (45 Minutes) $60.00
- Mini Hop Hop (45 Minutes) $60.00
- Pop & Roll (45 Minutes) $60.00
Each Additional Class Fee
- Each Class Added $50.00
Convenience Fee
- All registration and tuition transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Special Needs
Dancing Without Limits
- Forest Dance Academy offers 2 dance classes for students with special needs. Junior (Ages 9 and Under) and Senior (Ages 10 and up). FDA's special needs program is entirely sponsored by Forest Dance Academy, our Performance Company Parent Organization - P.P.S.A.D. and the community of supporting friends and families of these dancers and their love of the dance arts.
Classic Dancer Program Class Tuition
Individual & Combo Class Fees
- All Individual Classes (45-75 Minutes) $65.00
- All Combo Classes (90-105 Minutes) $85.00
Additional Class Fees
- Each Added Class $50.00
Dance Pass | Any Classes beyond 5 is Free!
- Elementary/Junior Level Dance Pass $265.00
- Pre-Teen/Junior Level Dance Pass $275.00
- Int-Adv/Teen Level Dance Pass $285.00
- Advanced/Senior Level Dance Pass $295.00
Convenience Fee
- All registration and tuition transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Company Payments
- FDA Christmas and Performance Company
Unlimited Monthly Rehearsal Hours Tuition $45.00
Convenience Fee
- All Company transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Tuition Payment Due Dates
Tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month, billed on the 27th of the proceeding month and will be processed to your credit/debit card on file on the 7th of each month.
DanceStudio Pro (DSP) Billing
All payments are processed through our online dance system, DanceStudio Pro (DSP). Required credit/debit card numbers will be on file with our secure payment processing provider.
Convenience Fee
- All registration and tuition transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Dance Cards
Dance Cards are designed for dancers who cannot commit to an entire dance season. They are not eligible to perform in the Winter or Spring Performances.
- Drop-in Single Class Dance Card $20.00
- 10 Class Dance Card $150.00
- Private Lesson Dance Card $250.00
Declined Payment Policy
Declined payments will be assessed a $35 late fee if not paid within 7 days of the decline date. For your 1st, 2nd or 3rd decline, any necessary late fees will be applied to your account after the 7 day grace period expires. If you have had 3 previous declines in the same dance season your account will be assessed a $35 late fee immediately, there will be NO grace period. Please note there are no exceptions to this policy.
Mini Dancer Program Costume Fees
Winter Performance & Spring Showcase
- Tiny Tots $80.00 Each
- Creative Movement $80.00 Each
- Kinderdance Combo $80.00 Each
- 1 Genre Per Performance
- Primary Combo $80.00 each
- 1 Genre Per Performance
- Primary Combo $95.00 each
- 2 Genres Per Performance
- 2 in 1 Costume
- Mini Acro $80.00 Each
- Mini Hip Hop $80.00 Each
- Pop & Roll $80.00 Each
- Hanging Costume
- Custom Garment Bag
- Headpiece & Accessories
Not Included
- Shoes - Purchase on own
- Tights - $15.00 Per Pair
- Speciality Tights (Fishnets) - $20.00 Per Pair
- Jewelry (Crystal Earrings) - $10.00 Per Pair
Convenience Fee
- All costume transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Wardrobe Department
The costume fees will cover the cost of minor alterations such as taking in the sides or hemming pants. FDA's seamstresses are available for major alterations or to assist in parent tasks such as tightening straps or sewing elastic on a headpiece. (Note: Additional fees may apply)
Classic Dancer Program Costume Fees
Winter Performance & Spring Production
- Genres
- Tap $90.00 Each
- Jazz $90.00 Each
- Contemporary $90.00 Each
- Musical Theatre $90.00 Each
- Acro $90.00 Each
- Hip Hop $90.00 Each
- Modern $90.00 Each
- Ballet $100.00 Each
- Pointe $100.00 Each
- Hanging Costume
- Custom Garment Bag
- Tights
- Headpiece & Accessories
Not Included
- Shoes - Purchase on own
- Tights - $15.00 Per Pair
- Speciality Tights (Fishnets) - $20.00 Per Pair
- Jewelry (Crystal Earrings) - $10.00 Per Pair
Convenience Fee
- All costume transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.
Costume Due Dates
Costume payments must be paid in full for a costume to be ordered. All costume payments, accounts and service charges must be paid in full for costume distribution. Due to the fact that costume companies take months to prepare our dancers costumes, we must order timely in order for our costumes to be shipped promptly.
- September 10th | Winter Performance Costumes
- December 1st | Spring Performance Costumes
Winter & Spring Performance Packages
Performance Packages Master Order Form
Each FDA Dancer is required to purchase the FDA Performance Package for each of our shows. For the fee of $125.00 per dancer you will receive: 4 Tickets, 1 Performance Shirt and 2 Program Books. Dancers will be automatically billed via DSP and auto-pay will run to the Credit Card on file the dates listed below. This recital fee helps to cover the cost of the theatre rental, program design & printing, performance shirts and production costs such as lighting, backdrops, sets & videography.
- Winter Performance | Master Order Form - Performance Package (Billed October 1st, Due October 19th)
- Spring Performance | Master Order Form - Performance Package (Billed March, Due April)
If you are ordering any of the OPTIONAL PACKAGE ADD-ONS (a la carte) listed below you must complete the Performance Master Order Form and return it to the studio by it's due date (See Calendar). Your account will then be automatically billed. Add-Ons: Additional T-Shirts, Souvenir Posters, Additional Program Books, DVDS, & the PPSAD Fundraiser.
TICKETS | $20.00 Each dancer will be given four tickets to their main performance with the purchase of your Performance Package. We have reserved these tickets for your dancer, but please note tickets will not have reserved seat assignments, admission will be general seating only.
ADDITIONAL TICKETS | $20.00 Additional tickets will be available for you to purchase on a first come first basis and are $20.00 each. All tickets are non-refundable, but may be exchanged based on availability.
PERFORMANCE SHIRTS | $25.00 Each dancer will receive one performance shirt included with your Performance Package. Additional shirts for parents or siblings are available to pre-order only on the Master Order Form.
PROGRAM BOOKS | $10.00 Two show program books are included with the Performance Package. Additional show program books are available to pre-purchase on the Master Order Form. We will be selling a limited number of printed program books at the Performances.
SOUVENIR POSTERS | $10.00 Winter & Spring Performance Souvenir Posters are available to pre-order ONLY on the Master Order Form. To be guaranteed a souvenir poster you must pre-order them as there will be a limited number sold at the door.
PERFORMANCE DVDS | $50.00 We will be professionally videotaping each performance. For those of you interested in ordering a DVD of the Winter or Spring Performance please fill out the Master Order Form. In addition, DVD order forms will be available at the shows and are due by the last performance. You will be notified when DVDs are ready for pick-up.
PPSAD Show Keepsake | Scholarship Fundraiser If you are interested in ordering a show keepsake for the Winter or Spring Performance please fill out the Master Order Form. (Note: Payable to PPSAD)
CONVENIENCE FEE | Performance Packages
- All Winter & Spring Performance Package transactions will be charged a 3.9% Convenience Fee to cover the credit card processing.